来源:uimaker.com 作者:eico
Iomatic Registry Medic 软件UI设计-By eico
eico design为Iomatic提供了全新版本的Registry Medic 2008以及System Medic 2008的视觉设计方案,帮助其在延续了之前的积累的用户体验的前提下,进一步整合其品牌下各软件的视觉识别。
About Iomatic
Iomatic is a software development, support and marketing company specializing in multimedia and business utility applications designed for business and home users alike.Iomatic uses only the best software programmers, tools, and resources to offer quality software programs at great prices.Located in the United States just north of Salt Lake City, Utah, Iomatic began offering commercial software products in 2001.