Design Skills Academy SaaS Subscription Platform

UI / UI设计 / 手机界面 /      

UI设计师 / 江苏 南京

来源:网络   作者:Mariusz Muraszko


Design Skills Academy SaaS Subscription Platform

Hey there!

My name is Mario Muraszko, and I am a Senior Product Designer with a real passion for designing clean and modern digital apps.

In the UX industry, most of the courses target Juniors as the primary audience. Design Skills Academy is a place for those already in the profession looking for guidance, strategies for further development, or even becoming a Senior UX / Product Designers.

I want to build a community where every crucial UX & Product skill is well explained and taught.

If you want to show you love, press “L” on the keyboard. Want to be in touch with us all the time?

It’s all about quality and real product success! If you’re looking for senior UX Designers, then just drop us a line at ,学习UI,学UI需要什么基础
